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Exciting news! The Romancelandia Sticker Club is BACK in 2023! And there will be GUEST ARTISTS! (Applications are currently open.)

The price remains the same: $5/month [because I ❤️ you]* and there are a couple of exciting discounts going on through mid-December:

One for me + one for my bestie! ($110)

One sticker delivered to you and one delivered to your friend at a different address. You save $5 on each membership and get a PDF to give your friend to tell them about their gift. Be sure to "Add a note" when you check out with your friend's address!

Buy 2 Get 1 Free! ($120)

You'll get three (3) stickers of the same design delivered to a single address every month. You save $60 with this option. You can also send this as a gift — include the recipient's address as the Shipping address and Add a note when you check out that this is a gift.

Giving a Gift?

Since Club stickers won't go out until January, I'll send you a PDF you can print and wrap or email to your recipient announcing that they'll be getting stickers in 2023! Add a Note that it's a gift when you check out!

This is also the LAST CALL for 2022!

Sign up by Nov 15 to get the final 3 months of the year for $15! You'll get October's sticker immediately + Nov and Dec on time. (And yes, you can still add the FULL YEAR and get a big ol' pack of stickers.)

* As we all know, the price of everything has gone up this year but I want the Club to remain accessible, so I am keeping the price the same. XO, -Kelly

I'll be selling all stuff and meeting with authors to discuss custom merch (so fun!) at Chicago-North Spring Fling this year. On Friday, April 29, I'll have a virtual booth, so you can meet me from anywhere. And on Saturday, April 30, I'll have an in-person table. So excited to meet you IRL! (Yes, I'll have an avatar button on.)

I'll have some show discounts, so be sure to check out my booth, either virtually or IRL (or both!)

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