Exciting news! The Romancelandia Sticker Club is BACK in 2023! And there will be GUEST ARTISTS! (Applications are currently open.)
The price remains the same: $5/month [because I ❤️ you]* and there are a couple of exciting discounts going on through mid-December:
One for me + one for my bestie! ($110)
One sticker delivered to you and one delivered to your friend at a different address. You save $5 on each membership and get a PDF to give your friend to tell them about their gift. Be sure to "Add a note" when you check out with your friend's address!
Buy 2 Get 1 Free! ($120)
You'll get three (3) stickers of the same design delivered to a single address every month. You save $60 with this option. You can also send this as a gift — include the recipient's address as the Shipping address and Add a note when you check out that this is a gift.
Giving a Gift?
Since Club stickers won't go out until January, I'll send you a PDF you can print and wrap or email to your recipient announcing that they'll be getting stickers in 2023! Add a Note that it's a gift when you check out!
This is also the LAST CALL for 2022!
Sign up by Nov 15 to get the final 3 months of the year for $15! You'll get October's sticker immediately + Nov and Dec on time. (And yes, you can still add the FULL YEAR and get a big ol' pack of stickers.)
* As we all know, the price of everything has gone up this year but I want the Club to remain accessible, so I am keeping the price the same. XO, -Kelly